Dolbadarn Castle

Dolbadarn Castle is a beautiful 800 year old fortress that stands over the waters of Llyn Padarn as a guardian to the Llanberis Pass. Surrounded by beautiful pristine forest, the neighbouring mountains Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon), Garnedd Ugain, Glyder Fawr and Elidir Fawr provide a breathtaking backdrop for this historic Welsh site.

Prince Llewelyn the Great constructed Dolbadarn Castle around 1220, as he spread his influence outwards from his Gwynydd home. The castle’s mountain pass location was considered strategically important for the movement of goods, weapons and people.

Historic Dolbadarn

Today most of the castle remains as partial walls and foundations, although the magnificent 50ft tall keep still stands. When first built Dolbadarn Castle had a courtyard, two additional watch towers as well as a large hall. The keep is generally thought of as one of the best remaining examples of Welsh round towers, with the entrance being on the first as oppose to the ground floor – a feature typical of Welsh castles of this period. The keep would have also had battlements on top, but unfortunately these are long destroyed. It is still possible to look around the interior of the keep and follow ancient footsteps up the narrow stone stairs to the top.

Visit Dolbadarn

Head to the wonderful town of Llanberis and the Pay and Display car park found at postcode LL55 4TY. Dolbadarn Castle is found after a very short walk through the woodland from the car park.

Welsh Stone Monoliths

Recreate the look and atmosphere of Dolbadarn Tower or other historic Welsh sites such as Dolwyddelan Castle or Bryn Cader Faner, with beautiful large monolith standing stones and water features crafted from natural materials like real Welsh Slate, granite and quartz. All our garden stones are ethically sourced by hand in UK quarries.